Premises Liability

Premises Liability

4 reasons to be wary of small dogs

When people think about “dog attacks,” they tend to think of large-breed dogs that have a reputation for causing serious injuries – like pit bulls and Akitas or the like. As it happens, you’re more likely to encounter an aggressive Chihuahua than you are anything...

Winter weather and premises liability

As New York residents usher in the holiday season, it may be wise to think ahead and use a little strategy to stay safe and organized. While certainly, people may be looking forward to special dinners, gathering with friends or family, or even watching a favorite...

Premises liability: Make sure building contractors are insured

Homeowners in upstate New York may not realize that they could be financially responsible for injuries suffered by contractors on their premises. Premises liability insurance covers injuries suffered by door-to-door salespeople, social guests and friends. However,...

Slip and falls give rise to complicated premises liability suits

Slip-and-fall accidents can leave the victim with a whole lot more than embarrassment. In fact, they could cause injuries with long-term consequences. The New York civil justice system allows people to pursue financial relief, even if the victim is partly to blame....

Premises liability claim might follow child’s 3-story fall

The fire department and codes department of an upstate New York city will work alongside the police department to determine the circumstances that led to a child's fall from the balcony of an apartment. A premises liability lawsuit might follow. Reportedly, the...

Premises liability claim filed after child falls 3 stories

The parents of a child who fell through a window on the third story of an apartment block in another state are seeking $50,000 in damages. In New York and other states, owners of apartment complexes must ensure the safety of tenants and comply with state and federal...

Premises liability claim follows slip-and-fall on icy stairs

Apartment building owners nationwide, including New York, must address all safety risks and ensure that occupants are reasonably safe. Hazards are particularly prevalent during winter months when icy and slippery walkways can cause serious injuries. The owners of an...

Premises liability claim filed against Club Fitness

Club Fitness, which operates in New York and across the country, is named as a defendant in a lawsuit that was recently filed in another state. The complaint also named an employee of the facility as a defendant. Anyone who suffers injuries as the result of an...

Preventing premises liability can start with the architect

The aim of each New York architect should be to design and plan safe buildings. While premises liability might be the last thing on an architect's mind, he or she, along with any other parties associated with the construction project, could face claims for monetary...

Premises liability claim follows fire escape collapse

A Binghamton news anchor claims had a near-death experience in the village of Johnson City in mid-September. After an extended period of recuperation, he has now filed a premises liability lawsuit against the Town of Union in upstate New York. The incident involved...