A Binghamton news anchor claims had a near-death experience in the village of Johnson City in mid-September. After an extended period of recuperation, he has now filed a premises liability lawsuit against the Town of Union in upstate New York. The incident involved the collapse of a section of a fire escape.
Reportedly, the plaintiff was one of two people who were injured in the incident when a portion of a steel fire escape structure detached from the second-floor wall of a Johnson City building. The second victim filed a claim for compensation earlier. According to the complaint, the news anchor suffered severe injuries that included fractured bones and other serious injuries.
It is alleged that the Town of Union failed to inspect the fire escape to ensure the safety of anyone who would use it. In the alternative, it is claimed that if such inspections were carried out, they were inadequate. The news anchor’s claim alleges negligence on the part of the Town of Union.
Premises liability is a complicated field of the law, and a claim is best handled by an experienced New York personal injury attorney. Anyone in Broome County who suffers injuries as the result of a negligent property owner may be well-advised to seek the support and guidance of legal counsel. A lawyer can assess the circumstances, gather proof of negligence and advocate for the client throughout the ensuing legal proceedings. If such a claim is successfully presented, the court may enter a monetary judgment for all applicable damages.