Being involved in a car accident is a reality for many residents of New York. While that situation is stressful enough, things can be much worse after your car accident if it also involves a commercial truck. After this happens, having questions about what comes next is understandable.
Investigating the accident
An accident between you and another driver might be a simple matter that doesn’t require much in the way of investigating. However, motor vehicle accidents involving a large truck are more complex. A trucking accident typically involves the driver and the company this person works for.
After the accident, one of the best things you can do is to keep accurate records. Completing this step includes gathering documentation of medical records, mechanic visits and the post-accident police report.
Receiving negotiations and settlements
At this point, the investigation phase should have determined a truck driver, the company that worked on this vehicle, or another company’s post-accident responsibility. This situation means you or your lawyer might soon receive a settlement offer. A settlement occurs when one party pays the other to not pursue further legal action.
Taking matters to court
If a settlement is unreachable, the next step in this timeline is having a court decide who’s at fault. At this point, you and the other party in your trucking accident will present their side of things. Then a judge or jury will issue their verdict regarding who’s liable for this collision.
The very first thing to do after an accident is to seek medical attention, especially after the impact of colliding with a commercial vehicle. You can begin this timeline after you’re medically able to do so.