A brain injury caused by a car accident can be life-threatening

A brain injury caused by a car accident can be life-threatening

On Behalf of | Aug 25, 2020 | Brain Injury

Motor vehicle accidents often result in serious injuries for victims. Car accidents are said to be the second most common cause of brain injuries in the United States, with falls topping the list. A brain injury is not always diagnosed when there was no penetration of the skull.

A closed head injury can occur when the head strikes the windshield or dashboard. This is often due to the whiplash motion of the head. In contrast, an open head injury involves the penetration of a piece of windshield glass or another object through the skull and into the brain. Both these could be life-threatening or even fatal.

A closed head injury could cause swelling or bleeding in the brain. This underscores the importance of a medical evaluation soon after an accident. Even crashes that seem insignificant, like fender benders, can cause whiplash injuries upon impact. It is not uncommon for accident victims to decline medial attention because they have no broken limbs or bleeding wounds.

Symptoms of a closed head brain injury could remain hidden for days or even weeks, and by the time they become evident, they may not be linked to the accident. If another party’s negligence caused the crash, the victim would typically have grounds to file a civil lawsuit. However, this would require proof that the injuries were caused by the car accident. The bottom line is to see a doctor as soon as possible and then secure the support and guidance of an experienced New York personal injury attorney. An experienced lawyer can deal with the legal proceedings in pursuit of monetary and other damage recovery on behalf of the client.

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