Honesdale Office

Coughlin & Gerhart LLP
916 Church Street
Honesdale, PA 18431
(570) 616-9233 (Phone)
(607) 723-1530 (Fax)

Coughlin & Gerhart LLP
916 Church Street
Honesdale, PA 18431
916 Church Street
Honesdale, PA 18431
(570) 616-9233 (Phone)
(607) 723-1530 (Fax)
How to: Directions from New Google Maps:
- Click the “Travel Directions” link beneath your desired office.
- A Google Maps window will open.
- In that window, click on the blue “Directions” button.
- Enter your starting address or city in the top row, above the office address.
- Press “ENTER” on the keyboard or click the blue magnifying glass.
- Click the blue “List all steps” button.
- A list of directions will appear.
- For further assistance, call us at (607) 821-2202, Toll Free: 800-646-3420.